
01.06.2010 17:27 Age: 14 yrs

New, reprocessed, data on Aviso and change of distribution policy

Category: Website updates

A new, re-processed version of Ssalto/Duacs DT data have just been published. At this occasion, the Aviso data and distribution policy is changing, to better know and thus better serve altimetry users.

A new, re-processed version of Ssalto/Duacs DT data (v3.0.0) have just been published. This new reprocessing include real improvements, such as a better transition from T/P to Jason-1, new processing, better editing processing specially in coastal areas, better mapping parameters, new mean profiles and improved data coverage, etc. See illustrations and more details on the parameters used for the Ssalto/Duacs DT-2010 products generation and their impact on the product quality on: Ssalto/DUACS reprocessed DT data set (<link fileadmin documents data duacs duacs_dt_2010_reprocessing_impact.pdf pdf download>pdf). All the data will be inline with the most recent reprocessed GDR (e.g. : Jason-1 GDR-C from 2009), but also to up-to-date standards (GDR-C or equivalent), on all missions. At this occasion, the Aviso data and distribution policy is changing. To summarize:
  • All Ssalto/Duacs product users will need an account on FTP, whether for RT/NRT (as was already the case) or for DT (Delayed-Time, which is new) data, for along-track and gridded products.
  • The level 2 and 3 data (GDR and value-added along-track products), whatever their delivery delay, are granted for any purpose, provided the persons agree to the Aviso license terms (and identify himself/herself in the Ssalto/Duacs products case).
    On the other side, the Ssalto/Duacs gridded data will now be available free of charge for scientific purposes only, in DT as well as RT/NRT  ; the acceptance of the license covers this case also. For any other application, please contact Aviso User Services
  • And, finally, the Ssalto/Duacs along-track data (level 3 ) are now also part of the MyOcean catalogue.
    MyOcean is a European project dedicated to operational oceanography. MyOcean Service provides the best set of information available on the Ocean for the large and regional scales (European seas), based on the combination of space and in situ observations, and their use into models: temperature, salinity, currents, ice extent, sea level, primary ecosystems... (see <link http:> The Sea Level observation data available within MyOcean are Ssalto/Duacs along-track data, Mean Sea Surface
    CLS01  and global and Mediterranean Mean Dynamic Topography.
So, if you want to access those new Ssalto/Duacs DT data, we request you to Fill in the online form: <link http: en data registration-form> This will also enable us to better know you and your needs, and keep you posted of any news in the altimetry field. Coming changes: Note that the Opendap and Data extraction tool will be updated with those new DT data in the coming weeks. Note also that DT data will be available in the coming month or two with a granularity of one day (one file each day), as is already the case for the NRT.