
25.11.2022 08:14 Age: 2 yrs

Release of Sentinel-6 L2P and L3 NTC products

Category: Website updates

Copernicus Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich L2P and L3 Non-Time Critical (NTC) products will be publicly released on 6 December 2022 and 30 January 2023, respectively.

This release follows the release of Sentinel-6 L2P and L3 NRT and STC products in April 2022 (link to and Public release of new Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich L2P/L3 products: Aviso+ ( 

The Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich L2P/L3 products are generated by CNES/CLS, as part of the Sentinel-6 Cooperation Agreement between CNES and EUMETSAT. 

Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich is the new reference altimetry mission which implies an important involvement on Level 3 product and Global/regional mean sea level. Also, the product was deeply validated. For more information on product validation and calibration, you will find the details on :  

NTC products are as listed in the table below.  


Poseidon-4 Level 2P Altimetry Low Resolution in NTC - Sentinel-6 (L2P LRM NTC) 

Poseidon-4 Level 2P Altimetry High Resolution in NTC - Sentinel-6 (L2P SAR NTC) 

Poseidon-4 Level 3 Altimetry Low Resolution in NTC - Sentinel-6 (L3 LRM NTC) 

Poseidon-4 Level 3 Altimetry High Resolution in NTC - Sentinel-6 (L3 SAR NTC)

 These products can be accessed via: 

  • EUMETSAT Data Centre (all products)  

  • AVISO+ (L2P products) 

  • the Sentinel-6 SFTP service (only the High Resolution L2P/L3 products) 

  • Copernicus Marine Service (only L3 products) 

Access to data via EUMETSAT: For SFTP access, upon registration for this service via Earth Observation Portal (EOP), access link and credentials will be provided via email. 

Access to data via AVISO+:  The L2P products are available on the FTP and the Thredds Data Server. 

  • If you are already registered to AVISO+, the access is available in MY AVISO+ 

  • If you are not registered, please fill the registration form

And select the products named : “Sea Level Anomalies Along-track Level-2+ (L2P) Sentinel-3&6” and/or “Wave / wind Along-track Level-2+ (L2P) Sentinel-3&6”. 

This will give you access to the L2P SLA products of all the available missions. Note that for Sentinel-6A a specific folder is added for “hr” or High Resolution mode (SAR mode) or for “lr” or Low Resolution mode (LRM mode). 

Access to data via Copernicus Marine Service: SEALEVEL_GLO_PHY_L3_MY_008_062 product 

For more information, contact User Service Helpdesk :