
30.05.2023 10:41 Age: 1 year

The Swot CalVal site in Baie de Veys (Normandy, France) is set up and running

Category: News of the Swot mission

Swot "Adopt a Crossover" is also ongoing on the rivers and coastal areas. The Baie de Veys site has been installed in March, and now Lidar flight synchronized with Swot 1-day orbit are performed

Lidar flights trajectory over the Swot 1-day orbit track in the vicinity of the Baie de Veys in Normandy, France (credit M2C Lab, Université de Rouen).

Lidar flights trajectory over the Swot 1-day orbit track in the vicinity of the Baie de Veys in Normandy, France (credit M2C Lab, Université de Rouen).

Locations of the sensors in the Baie de Veys (credit M2C Lab, Université de Rouen).

Locations of the sensors in the Baie de Veys (credit M2C Lab, Université de Rouen).

Sensors, from left to right: ADV (current), Altus and pressure sensor (topography and water height), ADCP (3D current) (credit M2C Lab, Université de Rouen).

Sensors, from left to right: ADV (current), Altus and pressure sensor (topography and water height), ADCP (3D current) (credit M2C Lab, Université de Rouen).

The setup of the Baie ds Veys CalVal site in Normandy was completed on March 20th. Baie de Veys and part of the setup can be seen on the photographies. Sensors were installed on 3 different points shown in the Baie de Veys to get hydrodynamic measurements. Sensors used are the following:
- ADV and ADCP for current measurements
- Altus for sediment topography
- Pressure sensors for water level and wave height (4 Hz)
Moreover, on May 23rd and 24th, 2023, 2 Lidar flights were conducted synchronously to the Swot 1-day orbit track. Lidar data were acquired both along the Swot path as well as across track.

In addition to water level, these measurements will be used to validate Swot-derived intertidal topography and Swot’s Floodplain DEM product in coastal regions.
Thank you to all the people involved in those campaigns, in the frame of the Swot3MC project funded by Cnes.

See the site's blog on Swot Adac web site