
22.01.2009 09:15 Age: 16 yrs

Jason-2 in Ssalto/Duacs multimission data: transition goes smoothly

Category: News of the Jason-2 mission

Jason-2 was included as reference mission in Ssalto/Duacs multimission data instead of Jason-1 yesterday. The transition between the two is smooth.

Preparing for the Jason-1 orbit shift that will begin January 26, the Ssalto/Duacs multi-mission processing was modified to have Jason-2 as reference mission instead of Jason-1. Looking at maps using Jason-1 and the similar one (one day later) using Jason-2 (plus Envisat in both cases), no discrepancy is visible; the ocean topography has changed a bit, but no leap is visible nor differences. Once Jason-1 reach its new orbit, and the data are validated, Jason-1 will re-enter this multi-mission processing, but as a "new" mission, providing a better geographical/temporal sampling than when the two satellites were on the same track, at 55 s from each other.

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Absolute Dynamic Topography Maps from Ssalto/Duacs processing. First two maps (representing the situation on 2009/01/13 and 2009/01/14) were produced using Jason-1 as reference mission, the last one (2009/01/15) using Jason-2. See also the <link fileadmin images news mod_actus download>animation of those three maps. No leap is visible on those maps.