
15.05.2012 09:50 Age: 12 yrs

Corsica tide gauge measurements available via Aviso

Category: Website updates

Two products concerning in-situ are now distributed via Aviso: tide gauge measurements and page sheets of comparisons between tide gauge and altimetry

You will find <link internal-link>here, a new access of two types of products delivered by Aviso and dedicated to in-situ:
  • tide gauge measurements from Sénétosa and Macinaggio (two calibration sites) in Corsica (<link internal-link>more information) can bee downloaded <link internal-link>here
  • page sheets of comparisons between tide gauge and altimetry for global networks can be downloaded <link internal-link>here.
In-situ measurements allow to
1. Monitor the SSH between altimeter and external independent in-situ measurements in order to detect potential drifts or jumps in the altimeter Mean Sea Level (MSL)
2. Estimate the improvements performed on the new altimeter standards in the SSH calculation
3. Detect any potential anomalies of the computed in-situ datasets

Further information:

  • absolute calibration
    • S. Bigeac et al., <link fileadmin documents calval validation_report insitu annual_report_calval_calibration_absolue_2010.pdf download>Annual validation report of absolute CalVal (April 2011, 1.9 Mb)
  • global statistics:
    • G. Valladeau et al., <link fileadmin documents calval validation_report insitu annual_report_insitu_2010.pdf download>Annual validation report of altimetric data by comparison with tide gauge measurements (July 2011, pdf, 7.5 Mb).
    • J. F. Legeais et al., <link fileadmin documents calval validation_report insitu annual_report_insitu_ts_2010.pdf download>Annual validation report of altimetric data by comparison with in-situ T/S ARGO profiles (July 2011, pdf 8 Mb)