
24.06.2013 07:20 Age: 11 yrs

[Jason-1] unexpected anomaly onboard

Category: Operational news

Jason-1 encountered an unexpected anomaly on 21 June 2013.

Just a few days after completion of its first full 406-day geodetic cycle, Jason-1 encountered an unexpected anomaly this morning (21 June 2013), after completion of a successful pass at 01:14 UTC.  Analysis by CNES and NASA/JPL is ongoing to determine the root cause of this anomaly and to assess the health of the mission.  At present, there is no estimate of when the science mission will be resumed.
Therefore, some altimetry data will miss and data gaps are expected in Duacs Jason-1 along-track products.
We will keep you informed of any new developments.
Thierry Guinle and Glenn Shirtliffe
CNES and JPL Jason Project Managers