
15.07.2015 08:44 Age: 9 yrs

SWOT Science Definition Team meeting from 7 to 9 July 2015

Category: News of the Swot mission

From 7 to 9 July 2015, the SWOT Science Definition Team meeting was held in Toulouse, France. It was the 6th and last meeting of this group as it will be renewed in the frame of the ongoing CNES and NASA scientific TOSCA-ROSES call.

Over 130 scientists and project team members were gathered in a fruitful and user-friendly atmosphere to address the following topics: Mission performance and error budget, Karin, AirSWOT campaigns, Hydrology and Oceanography products, Simulators, Algorithm development, Cal/Val, Application program etc. This meeting was one of the major step to prepare the Preliminary Design Review that will be organized early 2016. The SWOT satellite is currently in phase B and is foreseen for a launch in 2020.