
29.01.2019 15:43 Age: 6 yrs

[Sentinel-3B L2P] redelivery of L2P S3B Near Real Time and Short Time Critical

Category: Operational news

Due to inapproriate global attributes in the files, the whole files of NRT and STC S3B L2P time series have been reprocessed and redistributed today (29/01 after 14h UTC) on the Aviso+ ftp server.

Please be informed that some global attribute values ("platform", "title", "summary", "source") were not appropriate in the Sentinel-3B L2P NRT and STC files delivered on the Aviso+ ftp server since the 2019/01/24. 
The other attributes and variables as well as the scientific values were not affected.
As a result, the whole files of the time series have been reprocessed and redistributed today (29/01 after 14h UTC) on the Aviso+ ftp server.
We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused.