
25.01.2023 10:28 Age: 2 yrs

First waveforms over river from the nadir altimeter on SWOT

Category: News of the Swot mission

After a successful launch on Dec. 16, 2022, the Poseidon-3C nadir altimeter onboard the Swot satellite has started delivering its first measurements, on rivers & lakes too.

Zoom on the figure below over the Litani river & a single waveform extracted from it, typical of what can be acquired on such rivers (Credit Cnes (Sophie Le Gac & Alexandre Guérin))

Zoom on the figure below over the Litani river & a single waveform extracted from it, typical of what can be acquired on such rivers (Credit Cnes (Sophie Le Gac & Alexandre Guérin))

Série de formes d'ondes (zones colorées) acquises par l'altimètre nadir de Swot, Poséidon-3C, au-dessus de plusieurs fleuves du bassin du Maroni en Guyane française, Amérique du Sud, le 20 janvier 2023. (Crédit Cnes (Sophie Le Gac & Alexandre Guérin))

Série de formes d'ondes (zones colorées) acquises par l'altimètre nadir de Swot, Poséidon-3C, au-dessus de plusieurs fleuves du bassin du Maroni en Guyane française, Amérique du Sud, le 20 janvier 2023. (Crédit Cnes (Sophie Le Gac & Alexandre Guérin))

After a successful launch on Dec. 16, 2022, the Poseidon-3C nadir altimeter onboard the Swot satellite has started delivering its first measurements.
The colored images on this map show the waveforms sucessfully acquired by Poseidon-3C over several rivers in the Maroni basin in French Guiana, on January 20, 2023.
These waveforms show the already excellent tracking performances of Poseidon-3C in orbit. 
This first result is very promising for the upcoming commisionning phase of this new nadir altimeter!
I-GDR data have been processed through the Cnes Swot Expertise Center.