
27.02.2014 14:54 Age: 11 yrs

New website : AVISO+

Category: Website updates

We are pleased to announce the official opening of AVISO+ !

We are pleased to announce the official opening of AVISO+ !
The website has been modernized merged with CTOH and is now available at the following address: <link http:>
You can now update your bookmarks!
For your first visit, please follow the yellow tips that will help you in the website discovery:
  • New graphic charter with interactive menus,
  • Customizable homepage to create your own AVISO+: select your favorite "widgets" to suit your needs,
  • <link internal-link>Products guide,
  • Browsing menu, breadcrumb trail and sitemap to find easily your way in the new pages organization,New pages: <link internal-link>SWOT, <link internal-link>radiometry, etc. 
  • <link http: gallery _blank external-link-new-window>AVISO+ gallery,
  • Static footer with useful tools.
We hope you will enjoy this evolution. 
Feel free to contact us to share experience with us: <link mail> (new Aviso User Services email)

Aviso+ widget to customize your own homepage