
18.08.2008 09:00 Age: 16 yrs

3rd cycle for Jason-2

Category: News of the Jason-2 mission

Jason-2 completed its cycle #3, that saw the first tests of the coupling of the satellite tracking with a Digital Elevation model.

Wind speed from Jason-2 cycle 3

Jason-2 cycle 3 (2008-07-31 21:17:09 to 2008-08-10 19:15:39) maps show the same trends than Jason-1 over oceans. Over lands Jason-2 give much more data than Jason-1, due to the improvements in the tracking systems. The coupling of the altimeter and Doris with a Digital Elevation Model, in particular was tested during cycle 3. First results show the data quality over ocean is at least as good as before. Analysis over the other surfaces are ongoing.

<link fileadmin images news mod_actus sla_j2_003.gif download>

Sea level anomaly map from Jason-2 (see also <link fileadmin images news mod_actus sla_j1_242.gif download>Jason-1 simultaneous map).
(Credits Cnes/CLS)

<link fileadmin images news mod_actus swh_j2_003.gif download>

Significant wave height measured by Jason-2 altimeter (see also <link fileadmin images news mod_actus swh_j1_242.gif download>Jason-1 simultaneous map).
(Credits Cnes/CLS)

<link fileadmin images news mod_actus land_j2vsj1_003.gif download>

Available measurements over lands for Jason-2 with respect to Jason-1: much more data are retrieved with Jason-2.
(Credits Cnes/CLS)