
29.02.2016 10:07 Age: 9 yrs

OSTST meeting 2016 at La Rochelle (France)

Category: Events

We are pleased to announce you the upcoming event that will held at La Rochelle from October 31st to November 4th 2016. "New era of altimetry, new challenges" will embrace 3 related events: IDS, SAR, OSTST.

We are pleased to announce you the upcoming event that will held at La Rochelle from October 31st to November 4th 2016

"New era of altimetry, new challenges" will embrace 3 related events:
  • International Doris Service Workshop (IDS): 31 October – 01 November 
  • SAR Altimetry Workshop: 31 October   
  • 2016 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team (OSTST) meeting: 01 – 04 November  

The website for logistical information is already open and will be updated regularly.