
16.02.2016 09:54 Age: 9 yrs

World Meteorological Organization Survey on the Use of Satellite Data 2016

Category: Events

WMO is kindly asking for 15-20 minutes of your time to respond to the Satellite User Survey 2016.

This Survey is designed to collect up-to-date information on the capabilities and needs of the satellite user community and WMO Members in using satellite data in meteorological, climate, water, and related environmental applications:
  • <link https: r wmosatsurvey2016 _blank external-link-new-window>in English
  • <link https: r wmosatsurvey2016_es _blank external-link-new-window>in Spanish
  • <link https: r wmosatsurvey2016_fr _blank external-link-new-window>in French
  • <link https: r wmosatsurvey2016_ru _blank external-link-new-window>in Russian
Please provide your response by 15 March 2016.
Particular emphasis in this survey is on: 
  • Readiness of users to exploit data from the new generation of meteorological and environmental satellites which is being put in service over the next five years
  • User needs for satellite-derived information on soil moisture, lightning, ocean colour, greenhouse gases, and inland water bodies (identified as emerging priorities by many users in a 2012 WMO survey)
  • Challenges that users face in the reception, processing, visualization, and application of satellite data, and related training needs 
Your responses will help WMO set priorities and take remedial action to address challenges identified by users, where possible. 
We encourage you to forward this message to other satellite data users, colleagues and peers.
Stephan Bojinski, WMO Secretariat
Anthony Rea (Chair, WMO CBS Inter-Programme Expert Team on Satellite Utilization and Products)