
16.02.2011 14:57 Age: 14 yrs

New AVISO CNES data Catalogue online

Category: Website updates

The new catalogue "AVISO CNES Data Center" is now open! Link: This new interface is used by CNES to archive a wide range of altimetric (including GDRs, SGDRs, etc...) and auxiliary data (including Earth rotation parameters, atmospheric correction data...).

This catalogue does not include till now the Ssalto/Duacs multimission data, nor replace the "Data" pages on the Aviso website. For registered users, this interface allows ordering many types of altimetric or DORIS products from the beginning of each mission (Topex/Poseidon, Jason-1 & 2, Envisat, Cryosat-2 and SPOT-2, 4 & 5). You also have access to environmental products, as well as auxiliary data files used for processing. You have to be registered to order products: <link https: ssalto external-link-new-window> through menu Registration. Please, pay attention to the license to use AVISO products. For further information, visit <link https: ssalto external-link-new-window>AVISO - CNES Data Center.