
18.06.2013 13:26 Age: 11 yrs

Saral: data access open to all users for OGDRs and IGDRs products on June 20th, 2013

Category: News of the Saral mission, Operational news, Ocean and climate news

The SARAL project team and some scientists involved in the analysis of the Level2 products have held a first CalVal meeting on June 13th-14th in Toulouse.

All participants have emphasized the extremely good results obtained with the SARAL mission and the very promising Ka band technology.
Considering the data quality, the project has decided to open the data access to all users for OGDRs and IGDRs products.
OGDRs and IGDRs product will be disseminated in version 'T' by June, 20th on CNES side on the AVISO ftp server.
A user release note is under finalization to provide detailed informations on the current data quality.