
07.02.2020 09:33 Age: 5 yrs

Release of Sentinel-3 Peachi data (S-GDR)

Category: Website updates

New Sentinel-3 Peachi data are now available to users. These data comes from a LR-RMC processing

New Sentinel-3 Peachi data are now available to users. These data comes from a LR-RMC processing.

The Low-Resolution with Range Migration Correction (LR-RMC) mode is a newly ocean delay-Doppler altimetry processing, therefore applicable for CryoSat-2 & Sentinel-3 missions.This processing is one of the most promising altimeter data processing solution to deal with long ocean waves issues while keeping high delay/Doppler measurement capability in terms of precision. 

This experimental Level-2 dataset extends the operational Level-2 ocean product from EUMETSAT. It provides all the altimeter content and geophysical corrections (aligned with GDR-F and Jason-CS).

The main benefits reported so far are a significant improvement of the SSH precision as well as a very robust quality level in all ocean swell conditions (even those that affect operational SARM algorithms). The improvement has been shown to be relevant and useful for ocean topography users and for ocean wave users.

Whether you are interested in SLA or SWH, in the open ocean, coastal or sea-ice covered regions, whether you are interested in geophysical content or in technical and CalVal assessment of the new algorithms, we believe these PEACHI experimental products for Sentinel-3A can provide a wealth of useful content.

The PEACHI dataset is a GDR-class product. It is therefore quite rich and complete (e.g. 20 Hz with waveforms) although maybe somewhat technical for some oceanography researchers. To that extent, the PEACHI team has worked actively with the DUACS team to leverage this content and to deliver a Level-3. 

We hope this PEACHI product (more than 2-years, global coverage) will help the community assess the strengths and weaknesses of this algorithm sequence.