
06.12.2010 23:01 Age: 14 yrs

Jason-1 : 9 years old !

Category: News of the other missions

Jason-1 celebrates its 9th anniversary today !

Jason-1 celebrates its 9th anniversary today !  Jason-1 was the follow-on of Topex-Poseidon and developed jointly by Cnes and Nasa, it was launched on December 7, 2001 from the Californian launch site at Vandenberg. Its motivation is to continue observing the sea surface topography. Jason-1 carrying an altimeter (the mission's main instrument measuring the surface-satellite distance), a radiometer (to determine the corrections to be applied due to atmospheric water content) and three location systems. Jason-1 supplies SSH and sea-state measurements with a ten-day cycle.  Nine years after its launch Jason-1 provides a great number of data with a good quality. Thus, it contibutes to operational oceanography, to ocean forecasting and to a better knowledge for climatic, oceanic and geophysics phenomenons. Jason-1 is a key component in the constellation of altimetry satellites currently in flight.