
31.01.2020 16:01 Age: 5 yrs

[Jason-3] in Safe Hold Mode on January 31st, 2020

Category: Operational news

Today, January 31st 2020, at 04:51:17 UTC, during pass 154 of cycle 146, Jason-3 was automatically reconfigured to Safe Hold Mode, immediately interrupting its measurements.

This event was triggered by an anomaly in SAA of its gyro #3. Our first analyses show that the symptoms of this anomaly are not consistent with the several anomalies met between 2017 and 2019 on Jason-2 gyros. It has then been decided to carry on nominally with a Safe Hold Mode recovery procedure, and restart the gyros nominally next Monday.
The operational team is working hard on this recovery, and hopes to restart Jason-3 measurements during next week : the time for restart will be communicated beginning of next week, as soon as it is precisely known.