
03.04.2015 12:17 Age: 9 yrs

[Cryosat-2] New orbit standards called GDR-E in Ssalto/Duacs products

Category: Operational news

To improve the long-term stability of the GDRs orbit solutions, new orbit determination standards are applied for Cryosat-2 which are now included in the Ssalto/Duacs products.

Precise Orbit Determination models applied in GDR orbits since January 2012 were referred as produced with GDR-D standards. New orbit standards, named GDR-E, are now applied for Cryosat-2 to improve the long-term stability of the GDR orbit solutions from:
  • April 1st 2015, for the first MOE in IGDR,
  • arc 260, for the first POE in GDR.
Ssalto/Duacs products integrates those new orbit standards in near-real time products from 2015/04/01. Thanks to the cross calibration with Jason-2 mission, there is no impact on the products.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.