
08.08.2008 13:58 Age: 16 yrs

2nd cycle for Jason-2

Category: News of the Jason-2 mission

Jason-2 completed its cycle #2 on 31 July 2008. Results remain very close to Jason-1. Cycle #3 should see the first tests of the coupling of the satellite tracking with a Digital Elevation model.

Significant wave heights from Jason-2 cycle 2

Jason-2 cycle 2 (2008-07-21 23:18:36 to 2008-07-31 21:17:06) maps, besides showing the same things than Jason-1 cycle 241's maps, give some hints of monsoon-related features in the Indian Ocean.

<link fileadmin images news mod_actus sla_j2_002.gif download>

Sea level anomaly map from Jason-2 (see also <link fileadmin images news mod_actus sla_j1_241.gif download>Jason-1 simultaneous map). The thread of high SLA values seen in both maps crossing the Indian Ocean from the Arabian Peninsula to Australia could be linked to the Southwest Monsoon Current (Credits Cnes/CLS)

<link fileadmin images news mod_actus vent_alt_j2_002.gif download>

Wind speed measured by Jason-2 altimeter (see also <link fileadmin images news mod_actus vent_alt_j1_241.gif download>Jason-1 simultaneous map). The area of high winds seen in both maps near the Arabian Peninsula could also be linked to the ongoing monsoon (Credits Cnes/CLS)