
22.10.2019 07:16 Age: 5 yrs

Mescoscale Eddy Trajectory Atlas in Near-Real-Time

Category: Website updates

The Aviso+ team is pleased to announce that the Mescoscale Eddy Trajectory Atlas in Near-Real-Time is now available on the Aviso+ ftp service.

This Atlas was developed in collaboration with E. Mason from IMEDEA (Spain). This product is experimental (version NRT3.0exp) and as we try every time to take into account the users’ feedbacks and to improve the processing, we propose a near real time product with additional fields such as the eddy contours for example. The atlas is updated every day with a period of time starting on January 1st 2018 to 15 days latency. Please refer to the <link _blank internal-link>Product page and <link file:25147 _blank download>Product handbook for complete information.  Note that the processing and input data are different from the delayed-time Atlas already delivered (version DT2.0exp), consequently, there is no continuity between the delayed-time 2.0exp and the near-real-time 3.0exp products. DISSEMINATION: The product is available on the ftp service.
As described in the <link file:18017 _blank download>Licence agreement this product can be used freely for scientific studies but the commercial use is forbidden. ACCESS: If you haven't already done so, select the product "Mesoscale eddy trajectory atlas product". All information in <link _blank internal-link>MY AVISO+