
14.11.2016 14:27 Age: 8 yrs

SWOT: Satellite technologies for water resources monitoring

Category: News of the Swot mission

In the frame of the COP22 in Marrakech, seven French institutions (AFD, CNES, IOWater, CNR, IRD, Irstea, BRLI) signed a group agreement on Friday 11 November under the patronage and in presence of Mrs. Ségolène Royal, French Minister at Environment, Energy and Sea, in charge of International Relations on Climate. These institutions are working together to develop new approaches to monitor water resources, integrating spatial data. The agreement makes it possible to answer the needs of the actors of the South, by mobilizing French expertise recognized at the global level and is part of the improvement of the knowledge of the climate change effects. This signature also put the spotlight on the SWOT satellite program and on the pilot project dedicated to Congo River. 

Further information:

  • Press release from CNES (<media 16285 - - "TEXT, 201611 swot compresse, 201611_swot_compresse.pdf, 319 KB">pdf</media>, in french)
  • Missions: <link internal-link>SWOT