
09.02.2024 09:21 Age: 231 days

New Sargassum Floating Algae Index datasets available

Category: Website updates

Three datasets are added to the catalogue: 1/daily operational hr Sargassum Floating Algae Index using Sentinel-2A&B and Landsat-8&9 satellites, 2-3/daily operational hr and lr Sargassum Floating Algae Index using Sentinel-3A&B satellites

Composite detection of sargassum with MSI and OLI for July 15th, 2022. Sargassum mats are shown in red, clouds and tile limits are shown in grey. Credits CLS.

Three datasets have been added to the AVISO catalogue:
1/ Daily operational hr Sargassum Floating Algae Index using Sentinel-2A&B and Landsat-8&9 satellites
Products are combined using MSI instruments on Sentinel-2A&B and OLI instruments on Landsat 8&9. The resolution is 300m. NRT daily files are delivered since December 7th, 2020 up to 1 month delay. 
All information on the product page
2 and 3/ Daily operational hr and lr Sargassum Floating Algae Index using Sentinel-3A&B satellites
Products are combined using OLCI instruments on Sentinel-3A&B. The resolution is 300m for hr dataset and 1km for lr dataset. NRT daily files are delivered since December 7th, 2020 up to 1 month delay. 
All information on the product page