
05.03.2019 08:00 Age: 6 yrs

February 2019: New version of L2P Non Time Critical Sentinel-3A products

Category: Operational news

The new version 02_01 is disseminated by AVISO+ via ftp or AVISO+ CNES Data Center (see the product sheet) with unchanged access (available in version_02_01 folder).

Note that the last cycle produced in version 02_00 has already been delivered (cycle 39). The next cycle 40 will be produced only in version 02_01.
The version 01_00 will be removed from the ftp site. 

With this new version:

  • the input data are the “spring 2018 reprocessed” version of input NTC L2 products fully detailed in the EUMETSAT S3A STM reprocessing technical note
  • the retracking version is homogeneous for all the cycles
  • the standards are the same as in 02_00 version
  • the temporal coverage of L2P versions and L2 baseline used are:


  S3A L2P NTC version 02_01 S3A L2P NTC version 02_00 S3A L2P NTC version 01_00
temporal coverage 15/06/2016 → present 15/06/2016 → 02/01/2018 15/06/2016 → 02/01/2018
based on L2 baseline collection 003 002 (till 17/11/2017) and 003 afterwards 002

 You will find the details in the handbook