
17.01.2017 13:23 Age: 8 yrs

Sentinel-3A : Short time Critical Value added products now available

Category: News of the other missions

Sentinel-3A CorSSH-L2P Short Time Critical (STC) products are released in pre-operational phase on 2017/01/17.

Mid-December 2016, we were pleased to inform you that a new type of Corrected Sea Surface Heights products (also known as L2P products) were now available for Sentinel-3A in Near Real Time.
These mono-mission products contain along-track corrected sea surface heights with respect to a mean sea surface, corrections and geophysical parameters. The last versions of altimetric standards are used and there is a homogenized format for all satellites. These products are processed by the Sentinel-3 L2P/L3 Marine Altimetry Service (CNES/CLS), in the frame of a EUMETSAT contract, funded by the European Union.
Today, we are pleased to inform you that CorSSH Short Time Critical (STC) products are released in pre-operational phase. They are available on the ftp server from January 12, 2017 (cycle 13 pass 241). Please refer to the <link http: en data products sea-surface-height-products global corssh-l2p.html _blank external-link-new-window>product sheet and <link internal-link>disclaimer for more information.
All users have to subscribe to get access: please fill in the <link internal-link>registration form by choosing “Sentinel-3 Along-Track Level-2+ “ even if you're already subscribed.
Sentinel-3A CorSSH are disseminated by AVISO+ (via authenticated ftp or AVISO+ CNES Data Center) and in the near future, when the service will become operational, it will also be disseminated by EUMETSAT (via EUMETCast, EUMETSAT Data Centre and potentially via CODA).
<link file:21315 _blank>

L2P Sea Level Anomaly from Sentinelle 3A cycles 12/13 (between Decembre 14th, 2016 and January 9th, 2017). Credits CLS/CNES/EUMETSAT.


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