
03.07.2023 08:30 Age: 1 year

Polar Oceans Products: release of v2.0

Category: Website updates

A new version v2.0 is available for Arctic and Southern Oceans SSALTO/DUACS experimental gridded and along-track products.

Trends of Sea Level Anomalies (mm/year) for Arctic Ocean from 01/01/2011 to 01/01/2022 and for Southern Ocean from 01/01/2013 to 01/01/2022. Credits Cnes/Cls.

Version 2.0 (Arctic and Southern Oceans) (gridded and along-track products) is a reprocessing and extension of the datasets over the period 2011-2021. 
The differences with version 01_02 are :

  • Use of new geophysical corrections (MSS : CNES/CLS22 hybrid DTU21, ocean tide : FES22B).
  • New input parameters for optimal interpolation (variance map, noise error, long-wavelength error).
  • Use of DUACS DT21 database on open ocean to complement the 3 satellites processed in the polar region.
  • Addition of along-track and gridded monomission datasets for Southern Ocean.

All information in the product pages for the Arctic and the Antarctic and in the common handbook.
The data are available on FTP/SFTP server in the folders:
and on the TDS server:

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