
22.02.2010 11:04 Age: 15 yrs

Cryosat launch postponed

Category: News of the other missions

Due to a problem on fuel reserve of the launcher second stage, the launch of Esa's Cryosat satellite has been delayed. First scheduled for 25 February, a new launch date will be shortly known. Dedicated to polar observations, Cryosat will determine variations in the thickness of the Earth's continental ice sheets and marine ice cover, and to test the prediction of thinning arctic ice due to global warming.

Further information:

  • Mission: <link http: en missions future-missions cryosat index.html _self>Cryosat
  • Esa's website: <link http: esami cryosat seme9r7cs5g_0.html _blank external-link-new-window>CryoSat launch delayed (2010/02/19)