
02.03.2011 15:41 Age: 14 yrs

Release of the v3.0 of the Basic Radar Altimetry Toolbox

Category: Events

The Basic Radar Altimetry Toolbox, the "all-altimeter" collection of tools, tutorials and documents has been released in a new version.

The Basic Radar Altimetry Toolbox is an "all-altimeter" collection of tools, tutorials and documents designed to facilitate the use of radar altimetry data, including the next missions to be launched, for all applications. A new release, 3.0, is now available. This version include 
A major upgrade of the software, with:
- It is now possible to drag & drop files into the Dataset panel.
- Several improvements to BratDisplay:
    * Added support to visualize vector plots.
    * Added support for new projections of use for polar applications
    * The save directory for image export will now be remembered for consecutive calls to export.
    * the number of latitude/longitude grid lines will now increase/decrease depending on the zoom level.
    * latitude/longitude grid lines now come with a text label showing the associated latitude/longitude value of the parallel/meridian.
    * the center/zoom functionality for worldplots has been greatly improved.
    * the 'animation bar' is now shown by default if the plot can be animated.
- Added batch processing : BratScheduler enables to delay the execution of an operation.
- Added support for Topex/Poseidon and ERS RA waveform products.
- Improved 'ascii export' : 'ascii export' is able to export either the result of the operation (default) or only dumps the expression data. In the previous version of Brat, 'ascii export' only dumped the expression data.
- Moreover, several bugs were fixed The tutorial also includes several upgrades in the "Data Use Cases" section:
  - Ice studies: Cryosat over continental ice
  - Sea ice studies: Cryosat over sea ice
  - Altimetry and gravimetry: Use of GOCE toolbox in oceanography with altimetry
  - Altimetry data processing for mesoscale studies: Computing Geostrophic velocities
  - Altimetry for coastal studies: The North Western Mediterranean Sea (with Pistach data)