
01.02.2011 15:43 Age: 14 yrs

Cryosat: ice data now open to all

Category: News of the other missions

Few weeks after the end of the commissioning phase, ice data from Cryosat are delivered to scientits.

Few weeks after the end of the commissioning phase, ice data from Cryosat are delivered to scientits. Cryosat carries an altimeter/interferometer called Siral that can measure the thickness of sea ice down to centimetres and detect changes in ice sheets, particularly around the edges where icebergs are calved from the vast ice sheets that cover Greenland and Antarctica.

Further information:

  • Esa website: <link http: esacp sem660y1ljg_index_0.html _blank external-link-new-window>CryoSat ice data now open to all
  • Mission: <link internal-link>Cryosat