
16.03.2017 13:11 Age: 8 yrs

[Jason-2] Jason-2 in safe mode since March 15th, 19:19 UTC

Category: Operational news

The Jason-2 spacecraft entered safe mode on Wednesday, March 15th at 19:19:19 UTC, immediately interrupting its measurements.

The satellite is currently in a safe and stable Sun-pointing configuration. Expert teams from CNES and industry (TAS) have been activated and detailed investigations will start today. First investigations performed this night show that Gyrometer 1 was blocked, causing the reconfiguration to SHM. All other equipments were OK at the time of the reconfiguration. I will probably be able to get back by COB with news on the health of Gyro 1.
The four partners operational teams are working closely to support current and future operations. The mission will resume as soon as possible, and we will keep you informed of our progress.
Christophe Marechal, CNES Jason 2 project manager on behalf of Jason-2 project managers from NOAA, EUMETSAT and JPL.