
06.12.2019 13:34 Age: 5 yrs

Aviso+ Users Newsletter #16

Category: Website updates
Release of the 16th Aviso+ Users Newsletter, dedicated to meeting the needs of data users, and highlighting CNES altimetry-mission activities.

We are pleased to announce you the publication of the sixteenth  Aviso+ Users Newsletter


  • Project News: Ongoing and forthcoming missions, ongoing developments
  • First SWIM wave data from CFOSAT satellite
  • Aviso+ : a wide range of altimetry products
  • Altimetry data for sea-ice thickness and snow depth over Arctic and Antarctica
  • New CNES-CLS18 Mean Dynamic Topography
  • Aviso+ User Satisfaction Survey 2019 : main results
  • New products on the Aviso'VIZ portal
  • Events

Find all the past newsletters here.