
04.06.2012 07:07 Age: 12 yrs

Call for contributions

Category: Events

Call for contributions for the exhibition "20 years of Art-imetry and Models" at the next OSTST meeting

During the next Venice event, combining the "20 years of Altimetry" symposium and the OSTST meeting, we organize an exhibition called "20 years of Art-imetry and Models".
This event will aim at showing how science and models can be impressive and beautiful representing natural events. We already have 10 to 15 images summarizing main phenomena that occurred in the past two decades and we are searching for users or PIs contributions to complete the exhibition.
If you have research results that are nice to look at and/or that speak for themselves, do not hesitate to send an image to <link mail>Aviso.
A jury will select the best contributions. They will be printed in high resolution and made part of the exhibition in the Palazzio Casino, in Venice.