
31.10.2012 16:50 Age: 12 yrs

Hurricane Sandy in the Carribean and US East Coast

Category: Ocean and climate news

Hurricane Sandy crossed the Carribean and hit the US East Coast at the end of October 2012. Jason-2 satellite has flown over the hurricane path and has observed it.

Credit Nasa-GOES13

Hurricane Sandy crossed the Carribean and hit the US East Coast at the end of October 2012 and caused crop, urban and human damages. Jason-2 satellite has flown over the hurricane path and has observed it. The Jason-2 passes #065, #076 and #254 overflown the hurricane path between 2012/10/25 and 2012/10/28 off Haiti, Bahamas and US East Coast. The altimeter measured Significant Wave Height more than 9 m over several of these places. 

Significant wave height as measured by the Jason-2 altimetry mission. Only the 3 passes for which the delay with the path of the hurricane is short  have been plotted here. (Plots made using the <link http: external-link-new-window>Basic Radar Altimetry Toolbox).

Further information:

  • Applications: <link internal-link>Hurricanes
  • Nasa Earth Observatory: <link http: naturalhazards _blank external-link-new-window>Hurricane Sandy event page