
22.05.2015 07:48 Age: 9 yrs

The new GDR-E orbit standard becomes operational

Category: Operational news

On May 26th 2015, the Jason-2 IGDR processing chain will include the new GDR-E orbit standard (based on data of May 25th).

Only the orbit parameter will change (altitude), other parameters will remain unchanged and will stay at the current altimetric standard (version "D") as detailed in <link http: en news front-page-news _blank external-link-new-window>our news of July 2012: ([Jason-2 GDRs]: Information about the new altimetric standard version "D"). Foreseen improvements of the new POD standard and schedule for change on other missions is available <link internal-link>here. A special interest is paid to Jason-2, which is the reference mission in the multi-mission SSALTO/Duacs system (see the <link internal-link>dedicated webpage). Feel free to contact us (<link> if you have any questions.