
13.09.2013 08:23 Age: 11 yrs

[Jason-2] Status update: Restart of Core Mission

Category: Operational news

The Jason-2 satellite is again operational.

The Jason-2 satellite is again operational. 
Thrusday 12th September at 12:22 UT, the POSEIDON3 altimeter has been switched ON; 2 hours after, AMR radiometer and precise GPS were also enabled (around 14:17 UT and 14:21 UT respectivelly) allowing the mission to restart nominally . 
  • NRT  production (OGDR) has already restarted and the products should be distributed by EUMETSAT and NOAA in the coming hours. 
  • Off line products (IGDRs) will be produced with some delays (after CALVAL quality checks). The routine production should resume nominally next week.
The Jason-2 mission was interrupted since cycle 190 pass 185.  Normal science operations will resume at cycle191 and the OGDR nominal production has been resumed on cycle 191 pass 126. The Jason-2 mission was interrupted during 180 hours and 28 minutes .
Jason-2 passengers will be switched on next Monday (September 16th).
Many thanks to the CNES and NOAA Ops teams for this quick and efficient recovery.
Thierry Guinle - CNES
on behalf EUMETSAT-NOAA-CNES-JPL Project Managers