
02.02.2010 16:33 Age: 15 yrs

Jason-3 is well under way

Category: News of the other missions

The Eumetsat Member States approve and so, confirm the Jason-3 program.

After the first announce in last October ratifying the Jason-3 draft proposals, the nineteen Eumetsat Member States approve and so, confirm the Jason-3 program. By continuing still further far the long time series on oceans and by improving further the data processing operations, altimetry will still be a source of vital data for operational activities and for monitoring the ocean dynamics, in particular the sea level trend.

Further information:

  • Eumetsat's press release: <link http: home main news press_releases _blank external-link-new-window>Global sea level rise monitoring secured for next decade.
  • News about Jason-3, October 2009: <link http: en news-storage news-detail _top external-link-new-window>Preparing Jason-3.