
22.03.2017 15:55 Age: 8 yrs

[Jason-2] after the Safe Mode, nominal activities restart

Category: Operational news

After the Jason-2 Safe Hold Mode on 2017/03/19, nominal recovery activities restart on 2017/03/22. Products should be available on 2017/03/24.

The PMA GPS OnBoard SoftWare has been uploaded successfully on Jason-2's spacecraft. Nominal recovery activities restart today (2017/03/22).
The exact foreseen sequence for restart is now to switch on Poseidon, AMR and GPSP on Friday 24th around 10:30UTC (2017/03/24). This means that the first products should be available around 13:00UTC, after a first orbit of measurements. However, please note that those first products could be impacted by the drag make-up maneuver that needs to be performed around 13:00UTC.
Christophe Marechal, JA2/3 CNES project manager, on behalf of Jason-2 project managers from NOAA, EUMETSAT and JPL

Linked articles:

  • <link http: en news front-page-news _top external-link-new-window>[Jason-2] Jason-2 in safe mode since March 15th, 19:19 UTC