
27.03.2017 06:43 Age: 8 yrs

New Mean Sea Surface

Category: Website updates

We are pleased to announce you that a new version of the Mean Sea Surface called MSS_CNES_CLS_15 is now available on the Aviso+ website.

The key points of this CNES_CLS 2015 MSS are:
  • a drastic improvement of the shortest wavelengths,
  • a better correction of the oceanic variability,
  • more accuracy near the coast.
  • globally, strong reduction of errors when computing SLA
  • more homogeneity of accuracy compared to the former versions
This new version is based on a 20-year period (1993-2013) of altimetry data (mean profiles, geodetic mission and SLA): mean profiles from Topex/poseidon, ERS-2 , GFO, Jason-1, Jason-2, and Envisat; geodetic phase from ERS-1, Jason-1 and Cryosat-2.

Further information:

  • Data: Auxiliary products: <link internal-link>Mean Sea Surface