
28.01.2011 12:56 Age: 14 yrs

Announcement of a Special Issue of Advances in Space Research

Category: Events

Announcement of a Special Issue of Advances in Space Research on Oceanography, Cryosphere and Freshwater Flux to the Ocean.

Papers are invited for a special topical issue of Advances in Space Research (ASR) entitled "Oceanography, Cryosphere, and Freshwater Flux to the Ocean". This special issue is open to all scientists who may have an appropriate scientific paper related to the global and accurate monitoring of the state of the physical and biogeochemical ocean and of the cryosphere from space-borne observations.  This includes papers on space-borne observations and their applications in the following fields of study: 
  • Coastal Zone (currents, algal blooms, freshwater inflows);
  • the Cryosphere (including IPY results);
  • Ocean and Sea-ice Modelling and Assimilation;
  • Operational Oceanography and Forecasting (including joint use of in situ data, and wind and wave forecasting);
  • Air-Sea Interactions;
  • Ocean Mesoscale Processes (including eddies and planetary waves);
  • calculating the Absolute Dynamic Topography;
  • understanding the Oceanic Response to Climate Change;
  • Ocean Salinity, Esturaries and River Flux Monitoring;
  • Data Access,
  • Tools and Toolboxes;
  • New Sensors and Future Missions. 
A major focus should be in preparing for the integration of the above topics into the future global ocean and cryosphere observation systems for monitoring ocean dynamics, the carbon cycle in the ocean, biological processes and their impact on climate, biogeochemical cycles and productivity, as well as the evolution of the cryosphere. Papers must be submitted electronically to <link http: asr> To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified for inclusion into the special issue, authors must select "S.I.: Oceanography & Cryosphere" when they reach the "Article Type" step in the submission process.  Submitted papers must be written in English and should include full affiliation addresses for all authors.  Only full-length papers will be considered for publication, subject to peer review by two reviewers.  There are no page limits although the length of the paper should be appropriate for the material being presented.  While the deadline for submissions is 15 March 2011, papers will be published electronically as soon as they are accepted.  The printed issue will be assembled within a reasonable time with late papers being printed in regular issues of ASR.  Contributors to this issue will have an opportunity to purchase individual issues at 40 Euro per issue.  All articles will be typeset at no cost to the author; there is a nominal charge for printing color figures although there is no charge for color figures on the electronic version. Dr. <link mail>Jérôme Benveniste is the Guest Editor for this special issue.  Questions can be directed to Dr. Benveniste or to the Co-Editor for Special Issues, <link mail>Peggy Ann Shea. The general format for submission of papers is on the ASR Elsevier web site.