
17.02.2021 10:00 Age: 4 yrs

Release of the Antarctic Altimetry Sea Ice product in version 2

Category: Website updates

The release of the Altimetry Sea Ice products in version 2 from CTOH/LEGOS over Antarctic now available on AVISO+.

We are pleased to announce the release of the Altimetry Sea Ice products over Antarctic from CTOH/LEGOS in version 2. The data are now available on AVISO+.

Those monthly gridded products have been funded by the ESA CryoSeaNice and CNES TOSCA projects; they include the Sea Ice Thickness, Snow Depth, Sea Ice Freeboard and associated parameters for Cryosat-2 and Envisat missions.

Compared to the previous version, the following improvements have been made:

  • temporal extension of the time series until 2019,
  • calculation with 25 and 50km radius filtering,
  • new EASE2 grid instead of Polar Stereographic grid,
  • addition of a new product of Snow Depth calculated with KaKu (Cryosat-2/Saral) on the time period 2013-2019,

Details were published in the AVISO+ newsletter #16.
You will find the details of the processing in the product page and in the product handbook

Access to the data

The data are directly accessible on FTP with the same access as for the Arctic area. So if you don't have the access:

  • If you are already an Aviso+ user, please select the product ‘Altimetry Sea Ice (restricted licence)’ in the list of products on MY AVISO+
  • If you are not an Aviso+ user, please fill the registration form and select the product ‘Altimetry Sea Ice (restricted licence)’