
23.01.2017 14:59 Age: 8 yrs

Jason-3 mini-web sites contest now open

Category: Events, News of the Jason-3 mission

CNES is launching a contest for primary middle and high school classes, to design and feed a mini-web site on Jason-3, climate and environment.

Discover the role of Jason-3, the European-American oceanography satellite launched at the beginning of 2016 to study the climate and the environment, by taking part in the Jason-3 mini-site competition*.
Use the resources made available by the various stakeholders in this space project, to design a mini-site which reflects your understanding of satellite-based Earth observation of climate and biodiversity changes.
The competition is limited to primary, middle and high school classes. The articles may be written in French or English. CNES will be awarding a prize for the best production for each of the three school levels. The winning sites will be highlighted on CNES web sites and social networks and those of its partners.

*Open 7 November 2016 to 28 April 2017