
17.06.2011 09:23 Age: 13 yrs

Aviso Users Newsletter #6

Category: Website updates

Publication of the sixth Aviso Users Newsletter.

We are pleased to announce you the publication of the <link fileadmin documents newsstand newsletter aviso_users_news06.pdf pdf download>sixth Aviso Users Newsletter focused on:
  •  in-orbit and ongoing missions,
  • quicklook on the high resolution images and videos delivered in the Ocean Observatory project,
  • the major upgrades in the latest BRAT releases (with a step-by-step example showing geostrophic currents),
  • the tsunami in Japan seen by altimetry,
  • and the new online data catalogue "Aviso Cnes Data Center".

Further information:

  • Newstand: <link internal-link>Aviso Users Newsletter