
20.03.2015 15:35 Age: 10 yrs

High tides at Mont Saint-Michel

Category: Ocean and climate news

An exceptionally high spring tide with high tidal coefficients of 118 and 119 hit Mont Saint-Michel off France’s Normandy coast.

Today, 20th March, 2015 and tomorrow, an exceptionally high spring tide with high tidal coefficients of 118 and 119 hit Mont Saint-Michel off France’s Normandy coast. The FES2014  tidal model (developed by LEGOS/NOVELTIS/CNES/CLS)  forecasts low waters at 2:00 pm and high waters at 7:00 pm, so an important tidal range  of more than 14 meters! These values are in agreement with tide gauge data and SHOM forecasts, and thus showing the high quality of the FES2014 global model in coastal areas.
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Tidal elevation in meters from FES2014 tidal model off French Atlantic coasts between 2015/03/20 6:00 pm and 2015/03/21 11:00 pm (one frame every 6 hours). Credits LEGOS/NOVELTIS/CNES/CLS.
<media 14460 970x648 - "IMAGE, 201503 fes2014 tidal elevation, 201503_fes2014_tidal_elevation.png, 117 KB"></media>
Tide elevation (in centimeters) time series at Mont Saint-Michel from the FES2014 model over the period of March 2015. Credits LEGOS/NOVELTIS/CNES/CLS.

 Further information: 

  • Applications: <link internal-link>Tides
  • <link http: bretagne mer grandes-marees-un-zeste-de-sciences-avant-l-havaneau-09-03-2015-10551688.php _blank external-link-new-window>Les grandes marées, comment ça marche ? (in French)