
23.06.2008 06:29 Age: 16 yrs

OSTM/Jason-2: Altimeter's first waveforms off Angola

Category: News of the Jason-2 mission
First waveforms of the Poseidon-3 altimeter on Jason-2

First waveforms of the Poseidon-3 altimeter.

After the spectacular launch last Friday morning, the beginnings of life for the OSTM/Jason-2 are nominal. Doris was the first instrument to be turned ON. Designed to allow a precise determination of the satellite position, Doris is producing good orbits at altitude and at inclination. For the moment, Jason-2 is still at a lower orbit, it will reach its final orbit on July the 4th in order to follow Jason-1 with about a 60-seconds delay. All remainning payloads (except T2L2) were switched ON successfully as follows : Poseidon-3, AMR (radiometer), GPSP (location system), LPT and Carmen. The Poseidon-3 altimeter was turned ON since the 22th of June at 11h16 TU. Whether on ocean or on continental area, first analysis are encouraging. First waveforms were received in the Atlantic Ocean, off Angola (this image) and then, few minutes later, on the African land.

Further information:

  • OSTM/Jason-2 mission : <link internal-link>Instruments, <link internal-link>Orbit