
24.01.2019 13:46 Age: 6 yrs

[Sentinel-3B] New added-value products are available

Category: News of the other missions

New Along-track Sea Surface Heights Level-2+ (L2P) products are now available for Copernicus Sentinel-3B.

We are pleased to inform you that the Along-track Sea Surface Heights Level-2+ (L2P) products are now available for Sentinel-3B. These mono-mission products contain along-track corrected sea surface heights with respect to a mean sea surface, corrections and geophysical parameters. The last versions of altimetric standards are used and there is a homogenized format for all satellites.
These new products are processed by the Sentinel-3 L2P/L3 Marine Altimetry Service (CNES/CLS), in the frame of a EUMETSAT contract, part of the COPERNICUS Programme funded by the European Union. 
The products are available in Near-Real Time, Short Time Critical and Non Time Critical, and the service is operational. 


Sentinel-3B L2P are disseminated by AVISO+ (via ftp or AVISO+ CNES Data Center) and NRT/STC products will also be disseminated in the near future by EUMETSAT via EUMETCast.

AVISO+ access:

For new users, please see information and registration on the <link _blank internal-link>product page.
For AVISO+ registered users, 
  • if you are already registered to Along-track Sentinel-3A L2P products, the new mission is available with the same access (just replace s3a by s3b)
  • if not, you need to choose the product "Sea Level Anomalies Along-track Level-2+ (L2P) Sentinel-3” in your <link internal-link>private space.