
02.07.2010 13:46 Age: 14 yrs

Alex, the first Atlantic hurricane of the year

Category: Ocean and climate news

The first Atlantic hurricane of the year, Alex moved across the Gulf of Mexico and hit the Mexican coast the 30th of June, while it was classified as a Category 2 hurricane.

The first Atlantic hurricane of the year, Alex moved across the Gulf of Mexico and hit the Mexican coast the 30th of June, while it was classified as a Category 2 hurricane. Alex had winds of 157 km/h (85 knot), was the first June hurricane in the Atlantic since 1995. Altimeter data are used to study the relationship between hurricane intensification and upper ocean thermal structure under the storm track. Indeed, the sea level positive anomalies (materialized in red on the right map) forming bumps on the ocean surface, reveal a potential heat reserve that the cyclone will gain strength when it passes.
<link fileadmin images news mod_actus hurricane_alex_wind_20100701.png download><link fileadmin images news mod_actus hurricane_alex_msla_20100630.png download>

Map of speed wind (in cm/s) on the Gulf of Mexico area for the 30th of June.


Hurricane Alex intensity overlayed on a merged (SLA) map (in cm) for the 30th of June. The hurricane intensity scale is purple for a tropical depression, blue for cat. 1, green for cat. 2, yellow for cat. 3, orange for cat.4 and red for category 5. The dates near the path indicates the date when the hurricane passed (Credits CLS/Cnes Ssalto/Duacs).

According to the seasonal outlook issued today by NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center, an "active to extremely active" hurricane season is expected for the Atlantic Basin this year.

Further information:

  • Applications: <link internal-link>Hurricanes
  • Noaa's website: <link http: research _blank external-link-new-window>NOAA Expects Busy Atlantic Hurricane Season (27 May 2010)