
15.10.2019 08:07 Age: 5 yrs

CFOSAT: first International Science Team meeting

Category: News of the CFOsat mission, Website updates

The first meeting of the CFOSAT International Science Team was held in Nanjing from 23 to 25 September 2019.

This first meeting brought together during 3 days over 80 participants from many countries: China, France, Russia, Australia, Netherlands, South Korea ...
It was an opportunity for the project teams to summarize all the analyzes and observations made on the data of the French SWIM wave diffusiometer and the Chinese wind scatterometer SCAT.
This meeting also provided the first feedback from scientists on the products of the two instruments.
All the presentations and discussions showed:

  • a good functioning of the SWIM and SCAT instruments, with very good performances,
  • very promising results for the products of the two instruments,
  • some adjustments of treatment still necessary related to the novelty of the observations, in particular on SWIM, a very innovating instrument,
  • a great interest from scientists and a strong demand for access to CFOSAT data.

At the end of these 3 days, the Joint Scientific Working Group issued a recommendation for the distribution of SWIM and SCAT data to all users.

The CFOSAT data will therefore be made available to the scientific community very shortly, as soon as it is validated by the CNES / CNSA Joint Steering Committee (coming weeks).

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