
24.03.2017 08:57 Age: 8 yrs

Jason-3 integrated in the Mean Sea Level processing

Category: News of the Jason-3 mission, Website updates

The Mean Sea Level processing integrates the Jason-3 mission.

Almost three quarters of the Earth’s surface are covered by oceans: oceans are a key-element of our global climate system. It is a reality, the oceans respond to climate change: as a result of human activity and greenhouse gases, the climate is warming, the ocean expands and its level rises. Oceans are under close surveillance at all times: altimetry satellites accurately measure the sea level with a homogeneous and continuous global coverage since the launch of Topex-Poseidon in 1992. The Jason-3 mission complements this satellite constellation in flight by providing continuity of measurements that is essential for observing climate change. --> <link internal-link>Use the interactive tool enabling to plot and download the Mean Sea Level trend times series and maps by selecting an area, a time-period (for time series only), one or several satellite missions.

Further information:

  • Ocean indicators: Mean Sea Level, <link internal-link>Processing and Corrections
  • Altimetry in videos for Jason-3 launch: <link internal-link>Mean Sea Level
  • Applications: <link internal-link>Mean Sea Level, Greenhouse effects