
19.01.2022 09:00 Age: 3 yrs

Aviso+ Users Newsletter #19

Category: Odatis, Website updates

Release of the 19th Aviso+ Users Newsletter, dedicated to meeting the needs of data users, and highlighting CNES altimetry-mission activities.

AVISO Users Newsletter#19 - January 2022

We are pleased to announce you the publication of the  Aviso+ Users Newsletter #19.


  • What’s new in products?
  • L2P OFF nadir CFOSAT Easy-to-use spectral product
  • A new generation of 5Hz L2P wave product
  • New versions of the Mesoscale Eddy Trajectories Atlas product
  • New release for the climate indicators from space: Ocean heat content and Earth energy imbalance
  • Gridded multi-mission SLA product for Antarctic Ocean
  • Multivariate Inversion of Ocean Surface Topography Internal Tide Model (MIOST-IT)
  • Updated Mean Sea Level (MSL) Ocean Indicator products
  • Gridded maps with a new Multiscale Interpolation Method (MIOST)
  • Monthly means of Eddy Kinetic Energy
  • Events

We hope you enjoy this new issue; we also  wish you a fruitful and healthy 2022 year with many opportunities to use AVISO+ products!

Find all the past newsletters here.