
04.10.2018 09:34 Age: 6 yrs

New release of the Finite-Size Lyapunov Exponents (FSLEs)

Category: Website updates

We are pleased to announce the new release of the AVISO+ dataset Finite-Size Lyapunov Exponents (FSLEs)

The maps of Backward-in-time, Finite-Size Lyapunov Exponents (FSLEs) and Orientations of associated eigenvectors have been updated after a whole reprocessing from January 1st 1994 to January 18th 2018. Data are computed over global ocean within the SALP/Cnes project in collaboration with CLS, LOcean and CTOH.
The main upgrades for this reprocessing are the following:
  • madt_uv input data are derived from DUACS DT2018 instead of DUACS DT2014.
  • Data are available daily from 01-01-1994 to 18-01-2018
  • Initial separation is 0.02 degree instead of 0.04 degree. The filaments are much thinner.
Data format remains unchanged. More information can be found on <link internal-link>the product page. 
Data are available on FTP and on Gridded Data Extraction tool from : <link internal-link>My AVISO+ web page. <link file:23912>

FSLE DUACS 2018 compare to FSLE DUACS 2014 credit CNES/CLS

Link to the video <link file:23913 download>here